Masterclasses application 1Applicant2Marterclass3Participation4Finalize1/4ApplicantPersonal information In case of applying as a string quartet the details of the representative of the sting quartet. First name * Surname * Citizenship * Male/Female MaleFemale Place and date of birth Country * City * Date of birth * Address Country * City * Street, house number * ZIP-code * Contact E-mail address * Phone number * Billing information Name * Address * Next Masterclass-related information School/University details Name * Country * City * Street, house number * ZIP-code * Phone number * E-mail address * Name of teacher * Musical instrument ViolinViolaCelloDoublebassPianoVoiceChamber musicFlute BackNext Participation information One-on-one lessons 1st class selected teacher Choose...List of professors will be available soonList of professors will be available soonList of professors will be available soonList of professors will be available soonList of professors will be available soonList of professors will be available soonList of professors will be available soonList of professors will be available soon 2nd class selected teacher Choose...List of professors will be available soonList of professors will be available soonList of professors will be available soonList of professors will be available soonList of professors will be available soonList of professors will be available soonList of professors will be available soonList of professors will be available soon 3rd class selected teacher Choose...List of professors will be available soonList of professors will be available soonList of professors will be available soonList of professors will be available soonList of professors will be available soonList of professors will be available soonList of professors will be available soonList of professors will be available soon 4th class selected teacher Choose...List of professors will be available soonList of professors will be available soonList of professors will be available soonList of professors will be available soonList of professors will be available soonList of professors will be available soonList of professors will be available soonList of professors will be available soon Piano accompanist required during lessons * Not required12345 Documents to be uploaded The applicant’s professional CV in English (pdf, max.: 2MB) * The applicant’s photo (jpg, max.: 2MB, min. resolution: 600 dpi) * Proof of payment document (max.: 2MB)* YouTube links 1st YouTube link 2nd YouTube link Accommodation Accommodation preference NoYes Duration BackNext Scholarship and final I request scholarship YesNo Scholarship amount 10%25%50%75% Justification of scholarship (jpg, pdf, max.: 2MB)* I submit my personal information being aware of the GDPR statement Privacy Policy of Festival Academy Nonprofit Ltd. Back