Masterclasses application 1Applicant2Marterclass3Participation4Finalize1/4ApplicantPersonal information In case of applying as a string quartet the details of the representative of the sting quartet. First name * Surname * Citizenship * Male/Female MaleFemale Place and date of birth Country * City * Date of birth * Address Country * City * Street, house number * ZIP-code * Contact E-mail address * Phone number * Billing information Name * Address * Next Masterclass-related information School/University details Name * Country * City * Street, house number * ZIP-code * Phone number * E-mail address * Name of teacher * Musical instrument ViolinViolaCelloDoublebassPianoVoiceChamber musicFlute BackNext Participation information One-on-one lessons 1st class selected teacher 2nd class selected teacher 3rd class selected teacher 4th class selected teacher Piano accompanist required during lessons * Not required12345 Documents to be uploaded The applicant’s professional CV in English (pdf, max.: 2MB) * The applicant’s photo (jpg, max.: 2MB, min. resolution: 600 dpi) * Proof of payment document (max.: 2MB)* YouTube links 1st YouTube link 2nd YouTube link BackNext Scholarship and final I request scholarship YesNo „Early bird–best player”: applications sent before the 15th of April can request 75% scholarship maximum, also applications sent before the 30th of May can request 10 to 25% scholarship maximum. Scholarship amount 10%25%75% Justification of scholarship (jpg, pdf, max.: 2MB)* I submit my personal information being aware of the GDPR statement Privacy Policy of Festival Academy Nonprofit Ltd. Back